S.G. Howe

Photo of S.G. Howe
Rochester, MN
Upper Iowa University
Drake University
Photography, Smart Homes, Gaming
  • Savannah won multiple accolades in photojournalism from the Iowa Newspaper Association.
  • She keeps her childhood dream of being an astronaut alive by following and reporting on news from NASA and the cosmos.
  • As a longtime video game enthusiast, Savannah enjoys collecting and researching vintage consoles and other gaming oddities.


Savannah spent three years working as a photojournalist. Her passion for technology and the sciences was first piqued in high school after winning at the Physics Olympics, the contestants of which spanned multiple states. She then attended the University of Iowa College of Engineering's Honors program before shifting her career focus to journalism. Photography, astronomy, and computer science remain at the forefront of Savannah's interests.


Savannah attended North Iowa Area Community College for political sciences, followed by Upper Iowa University for communications and mass media.
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Stories By S.G. Howe